Busy? Try These Healthy One-Dish Meals

The daily grind. You rush to work, grab whatever is most convenient for lunch, tackle your workout and then it’s on to your home with the inevitable question of “what’s for dinner?”. It would be a dream for most of us to walk in the door to a delicious, healthy, already-prepared dinner. As a personal trainer my days begin with wake-up times as early as 4:00am, long before thoughts of dinner cross my mind. I stress the importance of diet with my clients as we train, in terms of their results and overall energy level when working out.  The difference in our energy levels and motivation is most easily noticed when we skip a meal and our blood sugar dips too low, or when we settle for a food out of convenience. Food is an important part of the wellness equation and should be a joy, not a  stressor in our day. I want to share with you a few of my favorite resources for creating one-pot healthy meals, using everything from your oven to your crock-pots. It is National Slow-Cooker month, after all!

slow-cooker-recipes simply stated

[original image source]

Minimize the number of pots and pans you use. No one wants to clean millions of bowls or scrub surfaces after a long day away from home! You can layer veggies and meat with seasonings, spices and liquids to create a delicious, healthy meal. One of my favorite resources for healthy dishes Runner’s World. In this article, they share great dishes you can make right now using seasonal root veggies, like carrots and turnips, combined with a roast and brussels sprouts. All you need is 10-15 minutes the night before to prep, chop and layer your dinner. Wake up in the morning, pull your dish from the fridge, place it in your crock pot, turn on the crock pot on ‘low’ and head out the door with no worries about what to eat when you return for the evening. Easy, right?

To be on the safe side, integrate these tips when storing and eating your delicious home-cooked and healthy meal:

[box] CHILL OUT Cool slightly, then refrigerate or freeze in an airtight container. Don’t leave out longer than two hours. [/box]

[box] REMEMBER TO EAT Finish leftovers within three to four days, or freeze and use within one to two months. [/box]

[box] DEFROST SAFELY Thaw frozen leftovers in the fridge, making sure the container stays at 40° F or cooler. [/box]

[box] BE CONTAINER SMART Stick to microwave-safe containers. Plastic tubs or bags may transfer chemicals.[/box]

And if all of this information still isn’t enough to convince you about the wonders of making one-dish healthy meals, check out the customizable kitchen wares you need we discovered on the blog 52 Kitchen Adventures, featuring the customizable Crock-Pot. Wouldn’t this make a cool gift for someone trying to improve their diet?


I would love to know YOUR go-to healthy dishes for weeknight meals! Are you a fan of using a crock pot? How do you keep it healthy, simple and fast? If you have any questions or are looking for a few Vision Fitness and Wellness-approved weeknight meals, leave a comment below and your trainer and guide to health will be with you shortly!

“Tough times don’t last but tough people do.” Base Building for Your Cardio Fun!

“Tough times don’t last but tough people do.” – A.C. Green. – Treadmill Cardio Class, Base Build! 


Launching our Treadmill group fitness class with music this week!  Still working on our Basse Build Phase of training. The key to successful, injury-free running and walking that allows us to meet our performance potential is building a solid aerobic base. This aerobic base makes up our foundation.  The very first goal for any runner, power walker should be to build a strong aerobic foundation. Everything else you want from your running will come from this foundation. Miles that are run,walk somewhere between 60 to 75 percent of your maximum heart rate build your aerobic foundation.

From a physiological standpoint, base miles are important because they turn our bodies into lean, mean,  machines GRADUALLY. Base miles build aerobic conditioning, develop slow-twitch oxidative muscle fibers, increase blood volume, and expand glycogen stores. These low-intensity and repetitive miles strengthen connective tissue, ligaments, and tendons; therefore, making you stronger and less prone to injury. These runs also enhance our body’s ability to burn fat as fuel.

If you missed the fun , here is the workout and download the  tunes here to go along!

Just “do you” today for your effort level, challenge yourself a little more than yesterday and a lot over time and most importantly….




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Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.

Vacation from your Exercise Program, Trainer Orders!

No matter where you have come from, and where you are going, I have found there is always some good that comes out of your transition. Transitioning out of my position as fitness manager this past year had me reflect on some of the most impactful contributions that some of the trainers I was honored and humbled to lead had made on the clients, members, team and myself included.

 Stephen was a squash coach and private trainer at the club.  In my “popular” days as a manager, sitting at my desk typing away, responding to emails, shuffling papers, in and out of meetings and calls, Stephen would pop his head in the door right in the middle of all the hustle and say every morning “ Good Morning Bosses!” I would stop what I was doing, look up at the doorway and there he would be with a big smile on his face peaking in through the door. I would stop, smile and wish him a great morning as well. Now, I am not saying that a happy smile and demeanor should be odd by any means, but I had a curiosity for what it was that kept this man so positive and cheerful day after day.  I soon found out that Stephen was battling cancer. He showed up to work every day with a smile on his face, positive demeanor and focus with his clients. He fought until the end in his battle. In his last weeks, I had the pleasure of asking him what he thought was the key to keeping him alive all these years as he went in and out of remission. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “ It’s movement Natania. “  I get up and move, exercise everyday.  As long as I am moving, I am living!” To this day I share this with my clients and follow this myself.

We have long known for years that a sedentary lifestyle can lead to risks of cancer and other disease.  Now we actually have hard data that doctors and other professionals can work with to assist clients on implementing lifestyle changes to help decrease the risks of cancer and other health risks.  Patients that are active are less likely to have the changes in the body that cause cancer. There are of course other factors but this is one of the factors that can certainly help.

December is a special month. It is the month to reflect and a month where we plan for the year ahead. While many of us tend to leave on vacation and in some ways we tend to place our exercise programs on vacation as well.  I propose that vacation is exactly what it is, a slower pace, break from the normal day to day, nothing too planned and a time to do what you love.

This holiday season I give you one outline to follow, the ACSM recommends that we accumulate 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week — whether in 30 minute bouts five days a week or in vigorous 20 to 60 minute sessions, three days a week. Or, heck, we can even take three 10-minute jogs or bike rides a day and consider that a 30-minute workout.  Another option is to try some fun circuit routines or games that you can do while on vacation, no matter where you are at the beach, hotel room, small gym or even at home.

Keeping fitness in our lives is simple to follow if we learn from those that have used its gifts in the most beneficial and powerful ways, to live life… “It’s movement!”

A  happy and healthy to you always,



The day after Thanksgiving deserves a class filled with intervals to suit the day of thanks and eating!

Download the full Playout Tunes list here.

Warm up –

:60 easy/:60 Moderate x 2

:20 moderate, :40 Moderate, :60 Moderate x 2


:15 Challenging/ 15 moderate x 5

45 Moderate, :30 Challenging, :45 Moderate

:60 Hard x 2 :60 Recovery

:60 Moderate Strength/:60 Hard Speed

:45 Challenging x 2/ :60 Recovery

:60 Breathless x2/ :45 Recovery

:15 Breathless x4/ :15 Recoevery

Cool Down




Heart Rate Training for your cardio program will not only help you stay on track with your fitness and wellness goals but also ensure you have a good base and jump start for next year! Heart Rate Specific Training will reprogram your metabolism to burn more fat.  A cardio program based on your individualized training zones will assist you in creating metabolic efficiency. This relates to your ability to train your muscles to burn fat.

Benefits of Heart Rate Training:

  • Helps you maintain and lose weight this holiday season
  • Improves your performance and endurance
  • Train smarter and not harder
  • Teaches your body to burn fats

So where do you begin?

The best way to create an individualized program is to meet with your trainer and perform a sub max VO2 test. This test can create individualized zones for you to train in based on your ventilation and heart rate readings. From the test, the ratio of measured Oxygen (O2) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) during ventilation gives an indication of the type of fuel being used during exercise (fat or carbohydrate).

A major marker on the test will be your Anaerobic Threshold. This is when there is a shift in the blood lactate levels and fatigue sets in. The rate at which this occurs is different for each individual and each activity. Based on your heart rate ranges individualized training zones and a program is created for you. Training in these zones properly can improve your anaerobic threshold meaning you will be able to work harder for longer periods of time before fatigue sets in.

If you do not have this option you can start by figuring out your maximum heart rate. One-way to do this is using the formula 220-AGE = MAX HEART RATE. This is the most conservative formula but not going to fit for everyone. You can use this number to create a cardio program based on the energy systems or adaptation you want to create that day for your program.

Knowing what zones  you should train in is based on your goals and current level. Here is a basic overview of the different training zones and the adaptations that occur.

Warm up Zone — 50 – 60% of maximum heart rate: The easiest zone and probably the best zone for people just starting a fitness program. It can also be used as a warm up for more advanced athletes. This zone has been shown to help decrease body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol. It also decreases the risk of degenerative diseases and has a low risk of injury. 85% of calories burned in this zone are fats!

Zone 1 (Fat Burning) — 65 – 75% of maximum heart rate: This zone provides the same benefits as the healthy heart zone, but is more intense and burns more total calories. The percent of fat calories is still 85%.

Zone 2 (Endurance Training) — 75 – 85% of maximum heart rate: The aerobic zone will improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system AND increase the size and strength of your heart. This is the preferred zone if you are training for an endurance event. More calories are burned with 50% from fat.

Zone 4(Performance Training) — 85 – 90% of maximum heart rate: Benefits of this zone include an improved VO2 maximum (the highest amount of oxygen one can consume during exercise) and thus an improved cardiorespiratory system, and a higher lactate tolerance ability which means your endurance will improve and you’ll be able to fight fatigue better. This is a high intensity zone burning more calories, 15 % from fat.

Red Line Zone 5 (Maximum Effort) — 90 – 100% of maximum heart rate: Although this zone burns the highest number of calories, it is very intense. Most people can only stay in this zone for short periods. You should only train in this zone if you are in very good shape and have been cleared by a physician to do so.

Recovery heart rate- This is the heart rate your body will drop to after two minutes, after stopping an exercise session. For instance you exercised for 30 minutes and your heart rate was at 155. Two minutes after you stopped exercising, your heart rate then decreased to 95. This recovery heart rate measure helps to evaluate your overall heart fitness level. Use this measurement to compare between exercise sessions.

Heart rate training and creating an individualized program for you cardio during the holidays can be a valuable and fun way to stay on track. Get in the zone this holiday season and Train smarter, not harder!

A happy and healthy to you always!




Cardiovascular Conditioning

No matter what your fitness goals are learning what your individualized zones for your heart rate are will be one of the best tools to get you results! Heart rate training is a great way to improve your performance, burn fat efficiently, avoid over-training, and track your fitness. Sessions include a fun cardio program where you burn, sweat and have fun all while learning what your specific heart rate sones for training are. Session can be done indoors or outdoors. You will receive a tailored cardio program that goes along with you and your fitness goals. The results will be:

  • A Fun, Safe, Personalized Cardiovascular Exercise Program you can follow indoors and outdoors.
  • Improved Cardiovascular and Respiratory Functions.
  • Improved Metabolism and Circulatory Functions.
  • Improved Body Composition (less fat more lean muscle).
  • Improved Energy and Overall Feelings of Wellness.
  • Increased Performance, Strength and Endurance.
  • Lower Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels.




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 Sports Performance Training 

A training program for fitness and enhanced athletic performance.  Integrates the science and the solutions for optimal sports training success! Guides all clients to  meet their fitness goals no matter what the level they want to perform. Whether it’s general fitness, sport or running a faster marathon!

  • Learn cutting-edge performance techniques, sport-specific program design.
  • Achieve remarkable results with training for top professionals and weekend warriors alike.
  • Includes an integrated performance profile and assessment & integrated program design.


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