Look Better Naked this Valentines Day!

Alright…going on the risque side at Vision Fitness and Wellness but, we have our reasons! When we think about our health and wellness there is that added joy when we share our time with someone we love this holiday, and that does not mean chocolate. (eyebrow raise) Why not this year treat yourself or your loved one to looking and feeling their best!

Taking care of your body builds your confidence and self-esteem. University of Texas researchers found that boosting self-esteem was one of 237 reasons people have sexThat finding makes sense to sex, marriage, and family therapist Gina Ogden. She also says that those who already have self-esteem say they sometimes have sex to feel even better.

Of course, you don’t have to have lots of sex to feel good about yourself. Your self-esteem is all about you — not someone else. But if you’re already feeling good about yourself, a great sex life may help you feel even better.

According to The WebMD The perks of sex extend well beyond the bedroom.

1. Less Stress, Better Blood Pressure

Having sex could lower your stress and your blood pressure.That finding comes from a Scottish study of 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity. The researchers put them in stressful situations — such as speaking in public and doing math out loud — and checked their blood pressure.

Another study found that diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number of your blood pressure) tends to be lower in people who live together and have sex often.

2. Sex Boosts Immunity

Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A, or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections.

A Wilkes University study had 112 college students keep records of how often they had sex and also provide saliva samples for the study. Those who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of IgA, an antibody that could help you avoid a cold or other infection, than other students.

3. Sex Burns Calories

Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it adds up: 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions.

“Sex is a great mode of exercise,” Los Angeles sexologist Patti Britton, says. It takes both physical and psychological work, though, to do it well, she says.

4. Sex Improves Heart Health

A 20-year-long British study shows that men who had sex two or more times a week were half as likely to have a fatal heart attack than men who had sex less than once a month.

And although some older folks may worry that sex could cause a stroke, the study found no link between how often men had sex and how likely they were to have a stroke.

So… what are you waiting for? 

Treat yourself or someone you love to the ultimate fitness package!

Introductory Program – $199 
This is a great option for the motivated client who loves to work independently but needs that expert touch in putting together the right program. I will create a workout program tailored for you, work one-on-one with you in a one-hour session to explain the routine and from there you’ll have the tools to execute your fitness strategy independently – on your own time, at your own pace.

Quick Start Program – $399
Want a little more TLC? I’ve got the perfect program for you! With “Quick Start” we’ll spend one-hour a week together in a one-on-one personal training session where we work to meet (and exceed) your fitness goals! Includes 4, 50 minute sessions.

The Launch – $799 
If you’re wanting to take it to the next level, there’s only one option for you – “The Launch.” We’ll work together one-on-one in twice weekly sessions to build and execute a comprehensive fitness plan of action. If you’re serious about your health, wellness and thatdream body this is the program for you! Includes 8, 50 minute sessions


This month we are feeling like spreading the love even more…Included in each purchase of 4 or more sessions, receive complimentary services to maximize your results: 
FREE One-hour Initial Session 
  • Review fitness goals, as well as exercise history
  • Record starting measurements: weight, body composition, strength test, cardio test, flexibility
  • End the session with a nutrition consultation for individualized meal plan based on goals

Nutritional Coaching  

  • Individualized seven-day meal plan
  • Online access to your personal nutrition portal to track your foods, recipes, tips and shopping lists.
  • Access to the travel application (available on iPhone)

Member Forum Access

  • Complimentary access to the Vision Fitness and Wellness member forum for virtual cardio programs, exercises and workouts.

21st Street Hill Circuits!

This has to be one of my favorite hill workouts to coach! One of my first track coaches took me out here for one of my first workouts! His advice, “When you throw up, lean over to the side walk so you do not get it on your team mates! ” Oh boy has our outlook on training changed. He was joking, of course! :)

Your focus during this workout is to challenge yourself at each incline and have your smile on the whole time!. Picture you are on the bottom of a hill that has three progressive inclines, each a little higher than the prior. You goal is to run hard to the top, jog it down, run 2 inclines, 1 incline and then repeat!



Santa Monica, Personal Trainer, “Make that Big Toe Contact”

My clients and athletes hear it all the time from me. It’s a mini-mantra during my personal training and group workout sessions. The other day, one of my clients came over to me and said, “What is your deal with loving the big toe?”  I took a step back (toe, heel of course) and said with a big smile on my face, “Great question! Let me explain the benefits to you!”

Think of your body as a machine – each part working together to form a fluid movement – not single muscles working in isolation. Our fascia connects one muscle to another. Where one muscle ends, another begins. These lines of fascia help you produce, reduce and disseminate forces throughout your body.

So, to keep your body running like a well-oiled machine, you can’t work on one muscle or set of muscles. There is a single fascial line that runs from your scalp all the way to the tip of your toes. When you run, for instance, all of your muscles are engaged. The tension between your toes, ankle and knee assists with glut contractions.

That means those little toes are helping you have a firmer booty! Who knew? When I think about how important that big toe is in reaching your health goals, it just makes me smile!




References: Anatomy Trains, Thomas W. Myers

4 x 3 = The toughest 30 minute Speed Style Treadmill Workout

If you have to get in and get it done. This is the treadmill workout for you! As always, just do you and find the speeds that match with your zones as described in the chart. Keep your focus on your form and run on the treadmill belt, do NOT let that treadmill belt run you!

4 x 3 is a fun workout with 4 types of run in each set of 3 total.

4 Drills, 4 Hills, 4 Track Intervals.



My Vision for the Fitness and Wellness Industry

Too often in the wellness industry, experts work in isolation. We amass knowledge on a certain topic or trend and, in an attempt to position ourselves as the leading authority, we hoard the information from one another. And, to be blunt, this practice not only hurts our industry, it hurts our clients.

PTA Global Class Fitness Class with Natania Goldberg The only way we are able to make a difference in the health, fitness and wellness of our society is by working together.

I have been in the fitness industry for more than 15 years and have seen so many applications, certifications, and areas of expertise play a roll in our evolution. But, at this point in my career, I don’t really care who knows what or how much. I care about how to get the information and expertise needed for the client standing in front of me.



Even as a trainer with years of experience, numerous certifications and a diverse array of clients, there are times when what the client needs goes beyond my scope of expertise and I feel that another professional would be better suited to fulfill their needs (massage or physical therapist, Registered Dietician…)

As dedicated to my craft as I am, I cannot possibly be an expert at everything. So, I look to surround myself with professionals who are better than me in areas that are not my expertise. I believe it is only through creating a network of fellow coaches and trainers that we can truly help our clients reach their vision for health and wellness.

I can’t tell you how many times I have worked with trainers, physicians or therapists who would never think about referring clients to another industry professional. The fear of the client not coming as often, or leaving altogether is too frightening. But, isn’t that the point? Aren’t we trying to educate people to keep themselves well and, eventually, learn to care for themselves?

One of my goals as a trainer, coach and guide is to suggest other professionals that can give my clients assistance and added support when needed, where I am not best. In the coming weeks, you’ll learn more about my Vision of Collaboration and my network of dedicated wellness professionals. We’re working together to cultivate ideas, and amass solutions for the betterment of our clients – not our egos.


Vision on Nutrition


The thought of biting down into a fast food hamburger or drive thru taco doesn’t really do it for me. But, it might not be for the reasons you’d think.  I don’t indulge in junk food anymore not because I deprive myself or am on a special “diet” or even because I think fast food is bad. When I think about grabbing the junk food, I just remember the last time I ate those foods and how I felt afterward.


VIsion Nutrition

My eating lifestyle has evolved and did not change overnight. The time came when the negative effects junk food had on my body took over any enjoyment of the food at all.  On special occasions I certainly indulge, but not to the point of over indulgence. I eat what I feel like and stop when I’m full.

Vision Nutrition

I don’t believe in  “good” or “bad” foods, fad diets, liquid meals, low carb plans, gluten free or low calories as weight loss solutions. Yes, these plans make you lose “weight” quickly, but in more cases than not, you gain it back just as fast.

My vision of nutrition is for it to be a lifelong education, journey and approach on how you fuel and take care of your body. I believe in mindful eating and taking awareness on what nutrients our bodies need to fuel our wellbeing.  I believe we should simply make healthy choices.

When I say education I mean educate yourself on what makes you feel healthier and at your best. Keep on the journey and find an approach that works for you and that you can maintain life long. I want to be your “guide by the side” on this journey, ensuring that the steps you take a healthy and will keep you well for the long term.


“I love Natania’s approach to food and nutrition. For me she provided a
meal plan that was delicious, filling and easy to follow. I felt like
I had a lot of food to eat daily and did not feel deprived. I am
happier having a meal plan that I can follow and makes me feel great.
I love knowing that following Natania’s regiment enables me to keep my
weight down while still eating and feeling satiated.”

Is this what you are looking for?

Vision Nutrition Services

[box] Is now available for all Vision Fitness and Wellness clients: individualized meal plans. Get access to customized recipes and grocery lists at home or right to your cell phone. Convenient online access allows you to see your progress and track your results. Contact me to get started on your nutrition lifestyle! [/box]

ViPR Fit – A Full Body Workout for Personal Training Clients

Every now and then a piece of equipment comes along that makes training more productive and extra fun. That’s exactly how I feel about ViPR. ViPR is a tool that I use as part of my own training routines, as well as with clients. Its applications are limitless and useful for beginners or experts. I’ll even be using it as I prepare myself for next year’s World Games.

Probably the thing that most attracted me to ViPR was that it allows freedom of movement. My clients know that I like to mix it up when it comes to training, and that I don’t want them to feel tied down to a machine or facility. There are examples all over this blog – from Run Club, to on-the-go tips – that illustrate my belief that fitness can be achieved anywhere. ViPR encourages movement in my clients and movement means happy, healthy people.

More importantly, exercise involving total body movement works the entire body, not just isolated parts. Six pack abs are great. Bulging biceps might be your thing. But true wellness comes from the wellness of the entire body. In real life, our parts work together to walk, run, jump, stretch and play. So, it’s important to train the body for life.

I love ViPR, but there are lots of tools out there that are a great fit for specific clients. What’s yours?


Stepping Away From the Mirror to Focus on the Real You

How do you feel when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror? I’m sure, if you’re anything like me, it changes from time to time. Maybe you’re all dressed up, ready for a night out and looking (and feeling) fantastic. Or, maybe you’re feeling tired and stressed and those circles under your eyes seem darker than usual. Our reflection is often a better indicator of how we’re feeling on the inside than how we look to the rest of the world.

A recent study found that women look in the mirror an average of 38 times per day, with men averaging 18 looks.

So, what if you decided to stop paying attention?

A new trend, dubbed “mirror fasting” has been popping up all over the Internet. Fasters are opting to avoid their reflections for a prolonged period of time. According to some fasters, the way they feel is actually improving. Some people said they’ve felt a boost in confidence and don’t feel as “judged.”

What do you think? Would you give this unique fast a try? Were you surprised to learn how often we’re checking ourselves out? I’d love your feedback!

photo credit: jox. via photo pin cc

Run Like a Track Star Workout

This workout is a track workout that you can have some fun with on the treadmill. You start off with 4 laps on the track, adjusting your intensities to find your speeds for the workout. Then move on to some focused drills. The first one you work on good speed, the second one you are working on good swing.

For more instruction on this come to a TREAD class or schedule some time with me to review, then you’ll be ready to hit the track on your own. Really makes a difference in your running!

The workout then moves on to 4 x 400 meters with a :45 second recovery. Different focus each segment, just like the real race!

Second part is 200 meter x 4 with a :30 recovery. Also with a different focus each segment.

Have fun and remember…SPRINT LIKE YOU MEAN IT! :)


Running Workouts to Do On Your Own by Vision Fitness and Wellness

Click here to download a PDF of this workout to take with you!

Finding Balance – How Your Emotional Wellbeing Impacts Your Physical Health

There are so many factors that impact our overall health. And, while fitness often places importance on the physical wellbeing, true wellness comes from the balance of a healthy body and mind. Emotional factors like stress and anxiety can impact overall fitness, including reaching weight loss and training goals.

You might know the feeling: you’re overwhelmed and stressed-out from work and family obligations. You overeat or grab food on the go to compensate. You may even skip your normal fitness routine to make more time in your busy life. This cycle leads to weight gain, guilt and – sadly – even more stress and anxiety.

Additionally, our bodies work to combat our stressful lives by producing hormones like Cortisol to help “fight” the conflict in our lives. Although Cortisol is a necessary and sometimes helpful secretion, a high-stress lifestyle can lead to over production of the hormone. This means slower metabolism and higher blood sugar and pressure. Which, you guessed it, can cause even more long-term stress!

But, don’t let this get you down! There are ways to combat your stress and get your mind and body working together for optimal health and wellness. If you’re feeling out of balance, give these tips a try:

  1. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. These are unhealthy and temporary crutches that will negatively affect your emotional and physical wellbeing.
  2. Don’t skip your fitness. It can seem tempting to free up an extra hour by skipping a workout, but exercise is proven to boost happiness and lower stress. Studies show that depression is related to low levels of certain neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine. Exercise increases concentrations of these neurotransmitters by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system.
  3. Find your favorite healthy snacks. Grabbing food fast doesn’t have to mean grabbing fast food. A little strategic shopping for snacks like almonds, Greek yogurt, fruit and lean proteins will mean that you have healthy treats at your fingertips when you need them.
  4. Take breaks. It’s easy to get overwhelmed (and underproductive) when your life is non-stop. Give yourself time away from the computer and quiet moments alone. Focus on your breathing and slowing your heart rate.

If you’re feeling like your stressful life is impacting your health, let’s talk. As both a personal trainer and health coach in Santa Monica, I work with clients as a whole – both body and mind. We can put together a plan that fits your busy schedule and gives you balance.