If you read up on cellulite, you’ll learn that fascia, that thin connective tissue that Rolfers release, is what holds the fat that creates the cellulite. If the fascia remains tight and thick, the fat can’t burn away.

How Does Rolfing Dissolve Cellulite?

How is it possible that several Rolfing sessions and a few months of integrating the change can remove cellulite from the hips and thighs when nothing else did? The fascia along areas of the leg becomes scar tissue from the stress, or I as call it, micro-traumas, over the years. Intended to be much like spandex, fascia becomes dried leather. This leather not only loses its elasticity, it also becomes impermeable to proper fluid exchange.

Different people develop different lines of tension that develop based on how the legs are used. Injuries, repetitive movements, and improper movements can cause imbalances in the body. Because of this imbalance , the extra strain on the soft tissue of the leg will eventually create scar tissue, setting up the cellulite. 

Releasing these lines of tension can assist in dramatically changing  the contour and shape of your leg. Your Rolfer has the ability to see if you have a tendency for more build up on the outside of your hip, thigh or on the inside. Additionally other sets of muscles and fascial sheets are not used as they were intended to be and lose their natural tone due to this misalignment. 

In the course of the series of Rolfing sessions, the tight fascia of the legs release and so do the stress patterns that created it.

Releasing the tissue increases circulation. Realignment and learning the natural walk decreases the strain pattern while toning underused muscles. For example, women will come back after a few sessions amazed they have a butt when they never had one. They ask how that could happen. It happens because the gluteal muscles are now in a position to be used.

By removing the cause, the body will normally remove the effects – the cellulite. Your good diet and exercise then start doing what it should. Cellulite is not inevitable; it is a consequence of stress, structural imbalance and movement imbalance.